Maranyundo Initiative
Educating and Empowering Girls
Our Mission
The Maranyundo Initiative is proud to support access to academic excellence for girls in Rwanda. We built the Maranyundo Girls School, one of Rwanda’s top schools for girls in grades 7-12, and provide financial support for
ongoing school operations including scholarships for economically vulnerable students that ensure at least 50% of MGS students receive full scholarship, competitive teacher salaries to attract and retain high quality teachers, and campus development and maintenance
educational programming to promote academic excellence and ensure MGS continues to be a leading school, including ongoing faculty professional development, STEM resources and programming, college and career programs, and technology and materials
the extension of similar support and programming to other students, educators and schools in Rwanda beyond the MGS on a selected basis for broader impact
What We Do
Grants to the Maranyundo Girls School go toward student scholarships and investments in the learning environment including infrastructure (dorms, faculty housing, classrooms, labs), equipment and materials (library materials, lab materials, computers and smartphones), teacher salaries and professional development (national curriculum training, distance learning training), and college counseling and support (college counselor support and mentorship, standardized testing)
Offer Scholarships
Offer scholarships to vulnerable families .
Train Teachers
Promote and enable professional development for teachers and administrators.
College and Career Counseling
Assist students during the college application process and mentor students on various career options to pursue after high school.
Build Infrastructure
Grant funds for major projects such as the high school expansion and STEM Center as well as more routine school maintenance and improvements.
Curriculum and Resources
Provide expertise in growing and changing curriculum as well as much needed supplies like library books.
Our School
We partner with the Maranyundo Girls School offering educational excellence to girls in Rwanda.