What We Do

Our Programs


The Maranyundo Initiative supports access to excellent education so socioeconomic background becomes less of a barrier for girls education

Read More We financially support the cost of educating more than 50% of the girls at the Maranyundo Girls School through scholarships

Professional Development

Teacher training and professional development is essential to faculty and students to inspire them to always be learning together and be exposed to new ideas.

Read More

The Maranyundo Initiative works to develop, execute and provide professional development that the faculty and staff value which is a key to attracting and retaining top teachers in Rwanda.

College Counseling

Higher education plays an increasingly critical role in Rwanda’s development. The country has made great strides in the number of students pursuing higher education but aspires for more.

Read More Maranyundo Initiative grants help students get on the path to a successful college experience, including college counseling support and college prep programming, application fee support and more.

Curriculum Programming

The Maranyundo Initiative works closely with the Head of School to realize the school’s priorities with school curriculum development.

Read More Whether it be moving from teaching in Kinyarwanda to teaching in English, focusing and building a STEM focus curriculum, to creating a reading culture and supplying a library, the Maranyundo Initiative has helped with expertise and supported this effort with critical funds and supplies.

Campus Infrastructure

Since the first tree was planted in 2006 on a site where the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsis had ripped a country apart, to planning and building faculty housing today, the Maranyundo Initiative has been a strong partner in supporting excellent education for girls in Rwanda.

Read More In its 12 years, it has helped build classrooms, a well-equipped library and computer labs, student dormitories, a STEM Center and robotics labs at the Maranyundo Girls School.

Expanding Best Practices

The Maranyundo Initiative is working on expanding our reach through sharing best practices learned at the Maranyundo Girls School to leverage resources and become a Learning Hub for a broader network of schools in Rwanda.

Read More These best practices include trainings for teachers and administrators in technology, management, STEM learning, library support, and college prep programming.

Our Flagship School

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Girls School

The Maranyundo Girls School (MGS) offers all students not simply access to education, but academic excellence, regardless of a family’s ability to pay tuition. It provides degree-qualified teachers, small classes, teacher-enrichment opportunities and a beautiful, safe, technologically advanced campus in which to learn. It provides a supportive community where students learn respect, responsibility, and leadership for themselves, each other, and the wider community. 

MGS provides a science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) focused education.

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Working Hand in Hand

The Maranyundo Initiative works closely with the Head of School of the Maranyundo Girls School allowing them to:

  • Accept at least 50% of its students from economically vulnerable families

  • Pay competitive salaries to retain quality teachers

  • Provide professional development opportunities

  • Build and develop campus infrastructure

  • Assist the Head of School and faculty with curriculum

  • Provide resources for students for college preparation including college counseling, mentorship and guidance.

See How Maranyundo is Expanding Beyond MGS

Benebikira Schools of Excellence

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Benebikira Partnership

In February 2011, The Maranyundo Initiative formally transferred complete ownership and operation of the Maranyundo Girls School to the people of Rwanda under the auspices of the Benebikira Congregation.

The Congregation now runs 17 schools throughout Rwanda, including MGS.

Today, the Maranyundo Initiative works with Sister Marie Juvenal Mukamurama, the former Head of School of MGS, who leads curriculum efforts across all 17 schools.  Additional foundation grants leverage the best practices of MGS and supports targeted programming across the 17 schools through:

  • Professional Development for teachers and administrators:

  • College prep programming

  • School scholarship support

  • Teacher salary assistance

  • Food insecurity support

Maranyundo as a Training and Learning Center

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Sharing Best Practices

A goal of the Maranyundo Initiative and the Maranyundo Girls school is to leverage its resources to ensure others are not left behind. MGS has been serving as a STEM Learning Hub for the benefit of other schools and local communities beyond the school, including teachers, students and community members in Bugesera District and throughout Rwanda .

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Maranyundo Training and Learning Center Programs

Programs of the Training and Learning Center include:

  • Playful Engineering-Based Learning (PEBL) - rolled out to 42 teachers at 21 schools (including MGS). PEBL offers makerspace trainings and workshops for educators on how to set up and run makerspaces that engage students in hands-on problem-solving through making.

  • Tech Equity Program - rolled out to 17 schools in the Benebikira Network and provides:

    • upgraded media centers that includes student laptops, speakers, stronger wifi, and projectors.

    • teacher trainings in ICT and IT support

    • teacher laptops

Maranyundo Training and Learning Center

The Maranyundo Training and Learning Center (MTLC) will serve as a hub of innovation, extending critical resources, programming, and training to teachers, students, community members, and schools across Rwanda. It is being built on the MGS campus so the trainings and resources can be used not just during schools holidays and weekends, but all year long.

Teachers, students, and community members will be trained through ongoing programming in digital literacy and digital learning strategies. Additionally, the 16 other Benebikira schools will serve as satellite learning and training hubs, with 10 to 15 neighboring public schools surrounding each one also included in relevant programming as resources allow.

We are excited to announce that construction has begun on the MTLC at MGS' campus in August 2023.
The opening is scheduled for early 2026, we hope you’ll join us in Rwanda! Read more about the MTLC here.