USAID Stop-order for Maranyundo: How YOU Can Push Back
Like many of you, we are deeply saddened and dismayed about the stop-order of federal funding on all USAID projects and the dismantling of the agency. The effects on humanitarian aid and education around the world will be devastating.
The USAID stop-order directly impacts Maranyundo and its $1,000,000 USAID grant for the Maranyundo Training and Learning Center (MTLC).
The MTLC is an important new facility being built on the Maranyundo Girls School (MGS) campus to provide skills to thousands of teachers in Rwanda with teacher training in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and math).
The USAID funding included computers, smartboards, lab equipment and furnishings for the entire building. Without this funding, the MTLC MTLC and its 16 satellite hubs will be prevented from reaching an estimated 255 schools, 9,000 teachers, and 130,000 students across Rwanda within 3-5 years.
Despite this massive setback, we are continuing this important project.
What can YOU do to push back?
Call your US representatives (senators and congressmen and congresswomen) to share how this suspension of funding affects education around the world (find them here). You can follow with an email, but CALLS make the difference.
Below is some suggested language:
The MTLC project will:
support a key international ally (Rwanda)
provide American-based STEM professional training to teachers that provides young Rwandans with the skills critical to participate in the digital age and technical industries.
improve access to opportunities in Rwanda and thereby reduce pressure on Rwandans to immigrate to the US.
will support the ongoing Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) between the US and Rwanda that strengthens existing good military cooperation via it’s STEM-focused training.
How is the MTLC project and mission meaningful to you, personally?
Share your disappointment in the USAID funding halt / potential termination and tie that into your support for the representative who’s office you are contacting (e.g. I voted for you, Senator “XX” in the last election and if you do not support reinstating USAID funding, I will consider withholding my vote in the next election”)
Share with us any partners or foundations in Rwanda or the US that can help us continue this important work and introduce us to your contacts at those organizations.
Donate to support the MTLC!
$100 can buy books for the MTLC
$450 can cover the cost for one computer for the MTLC
$6,000 can furnish a science lab at the new MTLC
$25,000 can fund a STEM training for one year at the MTLC
$100,000 can furnish all of the dorms for 80 teachers at the MTLC
Thank you for taking action! We are going to need everyone's help to make up for this devastating loss.