TUFTs PEBL Project & Maranyundo
We are thrilled to share our exciting partnership with Maranyundo & TUFTs Playful Engineering-Based Learning (PEBL) project!
Students at 21 schools in Rwanda will soon have makerspaces in which to build and invent! The Maranyundo Girls School and Tufts University’s Center for Electrical Engineering and Outreach (CEEO), with support from the LEGO Foundation are providing trainings for educators on how to set up and run makerspaces that engage students in hands-on problem-solving through making. Through the trainings, the 21 schools will receive new equipment and learning materials such as laptops, art supplies and basic building materials and tools; cameras; and other electronics, such as sensors, circuits, and robotics kits.
“We know that students learn more deeply when they play an active role in their learning and are engaged hands-on with a project that is meaningful to them.”
To read more about the PEBL project, check out the article by TUFTs below!